Smile and keep an upright posture

来源: One1618 2020-03-11 08:16:30 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1329 bytes)
回答: 大家帮我出出主意Aywl8882020-03-10 18:14:50


Focus on your work, do not get distracted, and be always professional.

Some of them have latent racist attitude.  The virus removed that cover because they no longer have to be responsible for that attitude.  The virus carried that responsibility.

Some of them are in an anxious state to begin with (they are patients after all.)  They distract themselves by focusing on an Asian face, which they associate with the virus.  It's just human nature.

They are your patients, physically and mentally.  Have you worked with a psych nurse?

You are there providing a valuable service.  Value yourself and what you do.  Carry an air that you have a high standard and you expect them to behave.  Smile for the purpose of getting one in return.  Ignore the small "offences" and draw a line.  If he crosses the line, say: God wants me to treat everyone with decency, am I doing a good job? (maybe asking yourself, since you know you are doing a good job, you don't need their acknowledgement.)

Again, if you react to the cold stares by being self-conscious, you just legitamized in their mind your guilt.  It'll only encourage bed behavior.




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