Every thing exists in Ionocovalency (IC),
the harmony of the ionic power Z* with the covalent environment r:
(Potential)Existence = (Ionic) Power / (covalent) Environment
- IC=-Z*/r
The Ionic poer are the intention, the possessive and the expressive instinct originated from the ionization of the nuclear charge Z * . The covalent environment is the boundary condition and the nature laws of kinetic-potential energy conversion and conservation, originated
from the Bohr radii r.
万物存在于离子共价性IC, 即离子性动能与共价性环境的和谐:
-(势能)存在 = (离子)动能 / (共价)环境
离子性动能是意向,占有性和表现性本能,源于原子核电荷的电离能 Z*. 共价环境是边界条件,是动能势能转化和守恒的自然法则,源于玻尔半径 r。