
来源: Francine 2019-05-17 15:11:18 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (9043 bytes)

In 1935 Pei boarded a boat and sailed to San Francisco, then traveled by train to Philadelphia. What he found, however, differed vastly from his expectations. Professors at the University of Pennsylvania based their teaching in the Beaux-Arts style, rooted in the classical traditions of Greece and Rome. Pei was more intrigued by modern architecture, and also felt intimidated by the high level of drafting proficiency shown by other students. He decided to abandon architecture and transferred to the engineering program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Once he arrived, however, the dean of the architecture school commented on his eye for design and convinced Pei to return to his original major.[19]

MIT's architecture faculty was also focused on the Beaux-Arts school, and Pei found himself uninspired by the work. In the library he found three books by the Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier. Pei was inspired by the innovative designs of the new International style, characterized by simplified form and the use of glass and steel materials. Le Corbusier visited MIT in November 1935, an occasion which powerfully affected Pei: "The two days with Le Corbusier, or 'Corbu' as we used to call him, were probably the most important days in my architectural education."[20] Pei was also influenced by the work of US architect Frank Lloyd Wright. In 1938 he drove to Spring Green, Wisconsin, to visit Wright's famous Taliesin building. After waiting for two hours, however, he left without meeting Wright.[21][clarification needed]


那年代,能交得起学费有自信就是入学要求。 -Francine- 给 Francine 发送悄悄话 Francine 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2019 postreply 15:27:48

林没有毕业,她想念建筑,当时不收女生,她只能念design. -Francine- 给 Francine 发送悄悄话 Francine 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2019 postreply 15:29:14

其实,那时候转MIT是往下转了。 -Francine- 给 Francine 发送悄悄话 Francine 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2019 postreply 15:41:31

你们觉得学院派和现代派哪个更耐看呢? -Michelangelo- 给 Michelangelo 发送悄悄话 Michelangelo 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2019 postreply 15:54:57

他说过,在上海眼望24层的国际饭店时就想往摩登建筑了 -宗阕- 给 宗阕 发送悄悄话 宗阕 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2019 postreply 16:09:31

俺老派。 -Francine- 给 Francine 发送悄悄话 Francine 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2019 postreply 16:12:19
