奥巴马sends US troops to 阿富汗,not great idea!

来源: brazi 2009-05-09 06:10:40 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1056 bytes)
if Obama just takes Bush's troops from Iraq to 阿富汗, this means putting things from one place to another, there is no real change at all!

How many troops will be sent to 阿富汗? The same as in Iraq? That will put USA into another quagmire/blackhole as Bush did in Iraq! The same number of troops in 阿富汗, the same money will be spent the same way as Bush did, then USA will get into another blackhole again.
Reduce the goal for a short time and quick result producing strategy! If short-sight strategy prevails in Obama government, it will put USA into a much deeper blackhole again!!!
Let the whole world burden the cost and solve the problem, USA can't solve this fight-liking people and area by USA itself. The people in 阿富汗, pakistan area are brothers and come from one father, but they are most vicious brother-enemies to each other just like Iraqi SHites and Sunny people, they can't be saved out from the current vicious-self-family-fighting-situations, it will take a long time to solve this "religion, thoughts" problems!


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