his starting point is sound but his intentions had made it

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flawed. He is standing under US 霸权 and saying his theory. His logic is that a superpower must prevent other potential superpowers, like China, from emerging. He is using the history and contents of US to say about China and looking out for US 霸权's survival. So his preface words are written using biased political and cultural knowledge and intentions from US, then the rest of his book would only serve for that purpose alone and truly not trying to benefit ALL of humanity. He basically ignored humans as a factor and talked about nations instead. His book should be renamed as "The Great US 霸权's Political Tragedy: Forever Trying to Find Enemies to Justify Its Existence of the Sole Superpower in the World" instead.


Exactly! -rerre- 给 rerre 发送悄悄话 rerre 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/17/2007 postreply 10:43:52

有理. -9&5- 给 9&5 发送悄悄话 (219 bytes) () 01/17/2007 postreply 21:59:28
