but they are also part of a chain effect, right?

来源: thrawn 2006-10-05 18:15:50 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1316 bytes)
The question is, will PRC let US attack NK or let NK get ABomb?

2. 朝鲜问题是亚洲格局变革的核心所在.

It is one of the 核心. The other one might be Taiwan, but it is less important than the other 核心, Iran. NK, is purely a political motivated problem, while Iran, is a center that major countries' national interest intersects (mainly oil), along with potential religious problems.

所以这个突破口是不会放过的.只要朝鲜问题一解决, 中国将处于战略上非常不利的地位。 对中国解决台湾问题将十分不利。但中国很难破解这个局。

To 破解这个局, 朝鲜问题 can be delayed using Iran and the middle-east, while cementing relationships in African and South / Latin America. This will force US attentions elsewhere. If NK don't follow PRC's command, then will form pro-PRC elements in NK, get someone to assassinate the leader. If Pro-PRC couldn't control the situation after that, PRC army can move in to "stablize" the country using "to secure its atomic devices from falling into terrorists hands" and setup the Pro-PRC government. They can also involve South Koreans and Russians in this effort while sidelines US. Of course, PRC won't do this unless NK really became irritating. The current rumor of PRC will revise the Alliance condition with NK is an important foreshadow of things to come.


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