"结果是一个印度尼西亚的人造卫星被尿块和粪块击中." Imagining

the reaction of the Indonesians before the collision. They might scream out:"Watch out, Shit. Oh shit, we got hit by shit." Hilarous.


LOL,after it's hit, they'll say:"shit happens." -绿色和平原子弹- 给 绿色和平原子弹 发送悄悄话 绿色和平原子弹 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/25/2006 postreply 12:39:03

Then they start to worship and pray:"holy shit. It's -Giantfan- 给 Giantfan 发送悄悄话 (45 bytes) () 09/25/2006 postreply 12:59:11
