the other bottom line is, IRAN is declaring

来源: thrawn 2006-01-05 08:47:53 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1900 bytes)
回答: Europe reported wants Russia and China tothrawn2006-01-04 15:44:00
their nuclear intention is peaceful. Europe, Russia, China are joining in and make sure it is peaceful while US don't want any kind of peaceful nuclear intentions. While US is now cooperating with India about nuclear techonology, it still reject Pakistan. THe double standard dealings of US had been shown to the world through its actions in the past few years.

The significance of Iran to Russia and China is easy to see therefore if US ever attack Iran (or in case of North Korea) it would reverberate in the Arab world as well as those other two regional powers. That action would be seen as just stop of declaring war with Russia and China and ther rest of the Arab world. As US rely on its military more and more, other areas of its power will fail and please remember that all nations that rely on brute force alone will fall eventually and US would be stupid to invade Iran without support of world this time.

Your bottom line only stressed that European can either join with US to share its spoils or stand by. But as you can see in UK's case, it didn't get any kind of spoils from US when following it and occupied Iraq. The postwar problem in Iraq already cause significant damage to US and UK's image. But since Iraq is divided in different Islamic beliefs, they couldn't coalesce against its occupiers. Iran on the other hand, are all of one belief of Islam. The result of occupy Iran would be even greater than US faced in Iraq. If it is easy to invade Iran, US would have done so already, but it didn't because US learned from their mistake in dealing with Iraq.

So you see, the world isn't just about simple brute military force anymore like in the ancient world. Therefore, I suggest you please open your mind to see a wider geo-strategical, geo-economical, and geo-political picture of the mideast and from all sides instead using such a narrow vision.


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