
来源: 天青水蓝 2022-09-08 23:05:58 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3141 bytes)

   AGM-84: version for launch from fixed-wing aircraft.

   RGM-84: surface launched variant. It is fitted with a detachable solid-fuel rocket-booster for initial flight. The RGM-84 is longer and heavier than the AGM-84.

   UGM-84: model for submarine usage. It is also referred as Sub-Harpoon. This missile, too, has a rocket booster and is longer and heavier than the AGM-84. Until it reaches the surface, the UGM-84 is sealed in a container.

   AGM-84E SLAM (Standoff Land Attack Missile): this is an all-weather air-launched infrared-guided land attack cruise missile developed from the AGM-84 Harpoon in 1990 with a range of at least 110 kilometers. It is basically a longer, heavier AGM-84 missile modified with a Tomahawk missile warhead. This weapon could be launched from aircraft such as the F/A-18 Hornet, A-6 Intruder, P-3 Orion, and S-3 Viking. It has since been replaced by the SLAM-ER.

   AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER (Standoff Land Attack Missile—Expanded Response): an improved version of the AGM-84E entering service in 2000. The range is improved to a maximum of 250 km and it has the best Circular Error Probe (CEP) of missiles in the US Navy.



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