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On October 3, 1952, a defecting lieutenant from the Chinese People's Volunteer Army (PVA) 340th Regiment114th Division under interrogation revealed that an attack on White Horse was imminent.[6]

Being corroborated by other intelligence, IX Corps reinforced the ROK 9th Infantry Division with 22 tanks from the 53rd Tank Squadron and the U.S. 73rd Tank Battalion's C Company, artilleryrocket launchers, and antiaircraft weapons to be used in a ground role. 


On 9 October an intensive air raid was carried out on several places around Baengma-goji where the PVA were anticipated to assemble。


At 19:15, the PVA 340th Regiment sent four companies up to the northwest end of the White Horse Hill complex to engage the 10th Company and its supporting forces in an attempt to secure a break-through. At 02:00 the following morning, four B-29 strategic bombers dropped 1,000 pound bombs on Hajinmyeong-dong, and an assortment of 81 artillery guns 


 On 10 October the still fresh 29th Regiment made a counterattack and seized White Horse and the 28th Regiment was immediately assigned to defend the right flank of the hill. The same day at 04:30, the PVA 342nd Regiment recaptured the hill in an attack on the ROK 29th Regiment that had been defending the main peak; in two hours, though, the hill was seized back in an instant counterattack, only to be lost again at 08:15. In the tiresome war of attrition, the UN forces relied on their overwhelming advantage in artillery support and close-range air support. The UN forces apparently were fortunate, for a Chinese prisoner later related that Fifth Air Force planes had caught elements of the 335th Regiment, 112th Division, in an assembly area north of Hill 395, inflicting heavy casualties upon the regiment, and had delayed its commitment to the attack.


On 13 October under close-range air cover by 141 warplanes, the 28th Regiment was committed to Nakta-neungaseon, but the strong PVA resistance forced it to withdraw to White Horse six hours after the attack on the ridge had begun. On October 14, the 29th Regiment executed another attack, and at 10:40, the 22nd Battalion of the Regiment routed the PVA troops from Nakta-neungseon, thus seizing full control of White Horse. Chinese sources claim that the 38th Army was ordered during the night of the 14th to abandon the action due to the start of the Battle of Triangle Hill which the PVA was determined to win.[7]


淮海战役难道不是因为得到国军叛徒郭汝槐等人的帮助? -老柏树- 给 老柏树 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/29/2020 postreply 15:45:20

像上面讲的这样的帮助是一个幸运。最终结果决定于双方的能力和表现。特别是像淮海战役这样大战役。 -huntridge- 给 huntridge 发送悄悄话 huntridge 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/29/2020 postreply 17:31:28

淮海战役中还有廖运周在黄维兵团试图突围时整个师倒戈,活活断送了12兵团 -老柏树- 给 老柏树 发送悄悄话 (178 bytes) () 11/30/2020 postreply 09:08:39

打不过就是打不过,非找出一堆借口。尼玛参战的十个苏军航空兵师是吃素的? -slinger- 给 slinger 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/29/2020 postreply 22:38:04

不明白,hk拿啥去出卖祖国? -老柏树- 给 老柏树 发送悄悄话 (101 bytes) () 11/30/2020 postreply 13:11:15

在朝鲜,就是苏联空军也没有能力打败美国空军。 -hkzs- 给 hkzs 发送悄悄话 hkzs 的博客首页 (242 bytes) () 11/30/2020 postreply 00:59:16
