路透:N Korea claims yellow dust storm from China carrys COVID19

回答: 《英雄儿女》 第六集 永远铭记panlm_2020-10-24 18:21:22
  • North Korea has warned its citizens to stay indoors to avoid a yellow dust storm which it claims could carry the coronavirus over from China.

  • The state-run KCTV network warned Wednesday that the storm would arrive Thursday. The Rodong Sinmun newspaper said the storm posed a "danger of invading malicious viruses."

  • Yellow dust storms are common in north-eastern Asia. No evidence suggests they can carry COVID-19, which mainly spreads through close human contact.

  • North Korea claims to have zero cases of COVID-19, but analysts say this is almost impossible. 


“N Korea warned its citizens to stay indoors to avoid dust storm -三河匹夫- 给 三河匹夫 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/24/2020 postreply 18:26:42
