回复:To 孩子抚养权

孩子抚养权 also claimed:
当时我提出他打我的诉讼, 只是想让他知道和承认自己的错, 并不在乎他是否被判有罪而入狱. 但现在同时我又有自己的担心, 担心一但我撤诉, 他会反过来提出要求孩子的抚养权, 那是我最不想看到的结果, 我该怎么办啊??

My wife probably will say the same thing. She wants me to say sorry to her. And she's trying her best to tell others how bad I am to her. (I even "lock" her with my son in the car for 30 minutes.) And she also 并不在乎他是否被判有罪而入狱.

She's trying her best to screw my life. Otherwise, how can she take out all the money while I was restricted by court order that I have to find a place to stay.


Ok. You should have credit card, right? -needwait..- 给 needwait.. 发送悄悄话 needwait.. 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/03/2009 postreply 12:24:05

yes, i do -EXu- 给 EXu 发送悄悄话 (627 bytes) () 06/03/2009 postreply 14:31:36
