You state that you are unemployed but receive income from renting property, however, you have provided no documentary evidence of this. You further state that you receive money from your children; however, you have also been unable to provide any documentary evidence of this. Whilst you have provided evidence of your own financial circumstances, I note that the balance of your bank account on 11 Feb 06 was RMB7.14 (£0.50), however, you have deposited almost RMB300000 (£21000) since then and you have been unable to satisfactorily explain the source of these funds. Whilst this is only one element of your application, in the absence of documentary evidence, I am not satisfied that you have provided an accurate picture of your personal and economic circumstances, which leads me to doubt, on the balance of probabilities, that you are a genuine visitor for a limited period and that you intend to leave the U.K. on completion of your visit."
You have not shown that you have, on the balance of probabilities, sufficiently strong economic ties to China to satisfy me that you intend to leave the U.K. on completion of your visit.
You state that you will pay for your trip, however, you have provided on satisfactory documentary evidence of your ability to do so. Furthermore, you have provided no documentary evidence in support of the accommodation that you propose to occupy for six months. I am therefore not satisfied that you will be able to maintain and accommodate yourself adequately out of resources available to you without recourse to public funds or taking employment.
The reasons you have given and the preparations you have made with regard to your proposed visit, taken in conjunction with your personal and economic circumstances, as I have detailed above, lead me to doubt, on the balance of probabilities, that you are a genuine visitor for a limited period and that you intend to leave the U.K. on completion of your visit."
PS:我已经在to officer的信上写清楚:妈妈我一起住在我现在英国租的房子里,吃的都是我来付的.(难道这不代表什么吗?)
老猫和各位知深人士,由于本人身体上的问题,必须得让妈妈过来英国一趟,请帮帮忙! 本人予以万分感谢!
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05/26/2006 postreply
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05/26/2006 postreply