divorce trouble

My hu*****and promote divorce, the reason is we separated for 3-4 years, little chance to get together later. He went back to China to open a small business 4 years ago, and I stay in Canada to finish my master degree. After that, since his company’s future is not clear, so I found a job in Canada. Now he said his company is better than before, but still not sure if can survive. I already get used to the life and environment here, so I don’t want to back to China. Since I think my current situation is kind of more stable than his. The problem is we have a daughter, currently in my parents’ home.
Actually speaking, if without daughter, I agree with him. But now the problem is if I ask for daughter, I am not pretty confident to be a single mother here. I am not so strong. But I also worry about giving daughter to him.
I know I am weak, but can anyone suggest what I can do?


keep your daughter -NotALawyer2- 给 NotALawyer2 发送悄悄话 (235 bytes) () 01/03/2006 postreply 18:45:23
