
来源: truestory 2005-05-23 23:04:03 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1134 bytes)
气急败坏,暴跳如雷,诅诌谩骂,不是loser又是什么?!!!! 本人一片好心,不愿无
辜孩子遭遇不幸,哪里跳出来你这个棒槌? 可恶之极!小心一点,不要气得脑出
血才好。A big loooosssserrrrrrrrrrrrr!

This is a website where every well educated and civilized person can voice
their concern and opinion. It's not a place where you yell and shout louder
to be heard. Your various posts can only prove you are a big loser one
more time since you've been maintaining your poor little esteem by criticizing
others(including me) here. Everyone here knows what kind of person you
are but no one dare to offend you. However, this should be the time for
you to learn something.

一个连parking ticket都想抵赖的人,哪有道理可讲。一粗俗蛮横小人也。

When a person is absolutely a failure, he will hold onto something everybody else can be proud of. Same case here. A failure. That's why you have to take China out to frighten all the others. Anyone using this website has more respect for China than you since they have the traditional Chinese moral values and abide laws. Pity on you! A big loser!


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