谢谢各位专家。想再请教:根据 Code of Virginia 关于 Contributory Negligence ...

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回答: 车祸求助woyaoshuo2019-12-26 15:46:36

首先, 事故的定性( Contributory Negligence)是由保险公司(GEICO)做出的(并因此拒绝任何赔付。注:事故双方的保险公司都是GEICO)。事实是,我朋友在停车场正常行驶,对方从Parking Space倒车出来,然后撞上了我朋友的车(对方的车的尾部撞在了我朋友的车的侧面)。我朋友有Priority,怎么能是双方共同的责任?(我们认为GEICO有点儿强词夺理。)

其次,退一步讲,即使是 Contributory Negligence,根据保险公司的界定(对方80%的责任,我朋友20%的责任),对方(保险公司)应该赔偿我朋友80%的修车费,怎么能够没有任何的赔付?

以下是 Code of Virginia 关于 Contributory Negligence 的引用:

In all actions brought against any such common carrier to recover damages for personal injuries to any employee or when such injuries have resulted in his death, the fact that such employee may have been guilty of contributory negligence shall not bar a recovery, but the damages shall be diminished by the jury in proportion to the amount of negligence attributable to such employee; and no such employee, who may be injured or killed, shall be held to have been guilty of contributory negligence in any case when the violation by such common carrier of any statute enacted for the safety of employees contributed to the injury or death of such employee. 






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