Urgent Q for H1-B promotion

来源: Forwind 2003-09-08 13:54:00 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1813 bytes)
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I'm a H1-B for a big non-for-profit organization about 1 year and half, recently,in the branch office where I am working has a supervisor position opening, I put my resume in and got the interview after the central office try for a month, and could not find any candidate better than me.(Because of the green card issue, I got my current job lower than the market price for $5000, just need they help me for status, which the organization did that half year ago) As everyone know NY state department of labor still working on the cases of Apr 2001 now and my first step for green card was submitted to DOL for half year and no one could tell me how long it would take for the process.
Now my company want to promote me, but they also understand the problem for increasing my salary and change my position. If I am working for a chinese company it might be fine, but my company was too big to be flexible. Now the situation is my company could not find one more understand the work in the office area, plus got higher education level than me, they could not hire someone less experience and lower certify than me to supervise me. My lawyer told me, I could get higher salary(about $9000/year more than my current salary),but one more important thing is don't change my job tital, otherwise, we need to redo the whole application from H1-B to Greencard recruitment Ad, it took me half year to deal with my HR department, none of us want to get through it again. So I wonder what I should do? I want to be a supervisor, even they didn't increase my salary, due to the frequently staff changing, I might be sometime have no staff to supervise and I will still doing my current job but just get more supervision task and less work like other staff. I hope any lawyer could give me some advice.Thank you very much!!



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