
来源: TreyG 2016-09-28 05:18:43 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (7125 bytes)



案例:魁省小额法庭2010年Disessa v. Damar

原告为房东。房客与原房东的合同期内,房东通过地产买卖合同接手了。现房东在合同期结束后控告原房客,要求其支付“附加租金”(additional rent)。附加租金是相对“基本租金”(basic rent)而言的。

借用判决书的法官用语: “ It is often the case that commercial leases provide for a basic rent that is fixed and an additional rent that fluctuates in accordance with various charges associated with the operation of the building that are passed onto the tenants proportional to the floor space of each lease. ”商务租赁合同的常见做法是固定一个基本租金,然后再附加一个根据整个物业的运营状况,按照占地面积分摊到各租户的浮动开销,称为附加租金。

本案合同中关于基本租金的文字是这样的:“The basic rent does not include any other expenses incurred by the tenant for the premises, example: electricity, heating, insurance.  The tenant is solely responsible for any expense that may occur for the operation of the business”基本租金不包括房客租用场地的消耗,比如:用电、供暖和保险。房客全权自负所有因商业经营造成的开销 (翻译文字精准、敢把原文亮出来的没有几个吧?呵呵~~~)。

2008年1月,房东在其会计的怂恿之下( at the recommendation of their accountant真没瞎用词,不信往后瞧),房东给房客给房客开了一个账单,包括保险费,保养维护费,杂七杂八还加了税,一共$6,580.76。

判决书一般都会讲本案仲裁的焦点是什么。本案诉讼焦点为:“The question the Court must decide is whether the agreement between the initial landlord and the Defendant, which agreement was assigned to the Plaintiffs at the time of sale, includes a responsibility for additional rent for such matters as the landlord's insurance and landlord's municipal taxes and school taxes.”房客与原房东是否已经达成了有关附加租金(包括房东的保险、市税和校税承担)协议,该协议在地产买卖时是否过渡给了新房东。这里的agreement其实指的是合同文字之外的约定俗成,即:我这么做了,你也没有质疑,所以就算我们约(定)了哈!


本案中,法官对合同文字有这样的解读: the expression:

 “The basic rent does not include any other expenses incurred by the tenant for the premises, example: electricity, heating, insurance.  The tenant is solely responsible for any expense that may occur for the operation of the business”

must be read together with the specific insurance clause that reads as follows:

"The tenant shall not do or permit anything to be done in or upon the leased premises, nor to bring or keep anything therein which will in any way increase the rate of fire insurance on the building or on the property or goods therein, in which case the tenant shall pay the complete increased portion of premiums upon the building as may be required by the insurance companies as a result of the business or trade carried on in the leased premises within two days of notice thereof from the Landlord."

也就是说:关于基本租金的第一段文字(前面已经翻译过)必须与第二段文字放在一起诠释。第二段文字的大意是,如果房客的经营行为导致租赁场地保险金额增加,房客要承担相应的份额。法官还特别补充了:reading these two clauses together, it is clear that, except where the landlord can demonstrate that there is an increase in insurance premiums required as a result of the business carried out by the tenant, the landlord assumes its own insurance costs. 把上下两段文字一起看,很明显,除非房东可以证明物业的保险金额上涨是由房客的商业经营造成的,否则,房东自己要承担保险成本开销。

关于缴税的部分是另一个法理精髓:In terms of taxes, while the conduct of the parties makes it clear that, with the change of the taxation system, the tenant agreed to assume his portion of the business taxes assessed to the landlord, the evidence is equally clear that no claim was made either by the previous landlord nor by the Plaintiffs for a proportional share of the ordinary property and school taxes assessed to the owner. 虽然双方都确认:一旦涉及税务系统变更,房客同意分摊房东的营业税部分。可是证据也相当清楚地表明:无论前任房东还是现任房东,之前都没有向房客提过出分摊房东物业资产和校税的要求。重点来了:What's more, the conduct of the parties clearly establishes that there was no such intention. 双方的合同行为表明:这种意图不曾存在。也就是江湖语言:我这么做了,你也没有质疑,所以就算我们约(定)了哈!

最后,法官惊堂木下:the Court comes to the conclusion that the Defendant no owes no further amounts. (在合同期结束时,被告已完成所有合同义务)法庭认定被告不承担任何其它债务。


转的还是自己写的? 有做广告的嫌疑。 -jin_yin_hua- 给 jin_yin_hua 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2016 postreply 07:37:27

估计是自己写的,否则谁会在一个小额法庭案件里面看出“法理精髓”? -柠檬椰子汁- 给 柠檬椰子汁 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2016 postreply 07:47:02

理解法官的思路,不拘大庭小庭,呵呵~~~ -TreyG- 给 TreyG 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2016 postreply 09:13:41

挺好的讲解合同实战贴。 欢迎继续 -tgmomtobe- 给 tgmomtobe 发送悄悄话 (161 bytes) () 10/01/2016 postreply 04:30:10



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