trust has no enough funds to pay off child support and spouse claims. Trustor's elderly parents refused to move out the house in trust and trust states they can live there for free. can court force to sell the house in order to pay off the claims?
trustor's parents are also trustee. can they be removed from the position since they refuse to fullfill the duty to pay off claimes and they use trust for their own benefits only?
Kids is currently in school distrcit of this house but lives in other place with the survivor parent. Since deceased parent died and kid can't tell he lives with her, it is risky to cheat school for long term and there is no way to enroll to high school without deed and utilities bill under the name of survivor parent. trust does say kid can live in this house for free, but grandparents wouldn't move out. Can survivor spouse petition the court for him to move in with kid for school reason and trust agreement if he aggrees to delay the house sell and put llen on the house to secure child support and spouse claims?