
请问老猫及有经验的朋友:以下是HOA 的两条款及我的两个问题,感谢回答。

LAND USE. The Lots, except as hereinafter provided, shall be used for private and residential purposes only and no dwelling of any knd whatsoever shall be erected, altered or maintained thereon except a private dwelling house for the sole and exclusive use of the Record Owner or occupant of the Lot. None of the Lots shall at any time be used for apartments or other types of multiple housing units; it being the intention of the Declarant that each and every one of the Lots be used solely for one (1) single family detached dwelling, and no other purposes, except such purposes as may be specifically reserved in the succeeding sections of this Declaration.


问题1,请问在此条款下,我可以出租我的SINGLE HOUSE 里的多余房间吗?我一个人,只需一间卧室。另外3间卧室可以出租给3位单身人士吗?

LEASE AGREEMENTS. All lease agreements with respect to any Lot or any Structure located thereon shall be in writing and submitted to the Board of Directors of the Association for approval. The minimum term of all lease agreements shall be one (1) year, and shall state that the lease agreement shall be subject to this Declaration. Current copies of any lease must be supplied to the Association. Record Owners who do not reside on their Lot must provide current addresses and phone numbers to the Association.


Thank you very much for help!


