急!急!对方车保险公司说车total loss,请问车修好后还能再上路开吗?请给出个主意!!

先简单讲一下经过,侄女车撞了,对方保险公司说侄女的车Total Loss, 认为责任是50%,50%。给两个选择,一是将车给对方保险公司,另一个是侄女Keep the car.
侄女认为车修理一下还可以开,就选了Keep the car.今天接到对方保险公司的传真,我看着怎么象即使把车修好了,也不能再上路开了。因为好像Title和车的plate 都要交给DMV。

I must inform you that it is the law in the state of California that, when the owner of a total loss vehicle retains the vehicular salvage, he/she must obtain a salvage certificate from the DMV for that vehicle and surrender the vehicle’s license plates to the department. I will be forwarding a notice of retention document to the DMV. This notice may affect the loss vehicle’s future resale and/or insured value.

Section 11515B of the California vehicle code states:

The owner shall, within ten days from the settlement of the loss, forward the properly endorsed certificate of ownership or other evidence of ownership acceptable to the DMV and the license plates and a $17.00 fee to the department. The department, upon receipt of the certificate of ownership or other evidence of title and the $17.00 fee shall issue a salvage certificate for the vehicle to the owner.

Note: license fees for your total loss vehicle may be refundable. Any questions regarding refund on the license fees should be directed to the state of California DMV. A $17.00 salvage certificate fee has been paid to you as part of your vehicle total loss settlement.
