Most people in public or in media  believe the king of pop, Michael Jackson, had never been in mainland China. That’s not true. He visited China 22 years ago, i.e., in 1987. In that trip, he only visited one city,  Zhongshan of Guangdongprovinvce, hometown of  ”father of the country” Sun Yat-sen.

Jackson traveled to China through Hong Kong as a tourist. The trip was extremely low-key. During his stay in China, he visited Sun Yat-sen’s former residence. 

Four things he liked the most in China were farmer’s houses,  rice fields, ducks and buffalo. He spent much of time in farm areas, including 40 minutes in a tiny village. He took many pictures with kids and elderly in the village.  According to those in the pictures, Jackson was extremely easygoing. 

Michael Jackson was a vegetarian at that time. Folks prepared lots of vegetarian dishes for him. He was not picky on food at all. Another thing Jackson had great interest in was Chinese tunic suit. He said he would ask his host in Hong Kong to make a set for him.

Michael Jackson in China

Michael Jackson in China

Michael Jackson in China

Michael Jackson in China