what you say basically is false, take amazon for example,

it has more than 10 years not profitable.     How many instutition and fund own amazon during unprofit time?

Facebook,  uber  all have unprofitable time.  

All you need to do is to go to morning star,   or intel.io    check ownership,  you will find how many instutiion or fund own the company.     

Use your  8 principle listed,  you can find in any category,  there is some instution or fund to own the stock.


take didi for example, almost violot most of your principle -semibull- 给 semibull 发送悄悄话 (76 bytes) () 06/09/2022 postreply 21:44:56

top 20 institution owning share for didi -semibull- 给 semibull 发送悄悄话 (3430 bytes) () 06/09/2022 postreply 21:55:15
