Great technical analysis

来源: KC28 2018-03-26 15:02:28 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (834 bytes)
回答: 美股未来大势预测分析牛鲜花妹妹2018-03-26 13:48:40

However bond market (yield curve, spread between junk and 10 yr) just simply does not forecast/support a bear market coming imminately.

In addition XLK & XLY are not confirming the market breakdown.  Both account for roughly 40% of SPY.

Earnings are good.  Let's use $155 as SPX E, ie earning yield 5.8% via 10 yield 2.852% (as of today).  Stocks are cheaper than bonds.

Of course Trump administration is an uncertainty, Peter Navarro and John Bolton especially.  I felt that Peter Navarro not only successfully survived Trump adm so far, but also convinced Trump.  John Bolton recent remark is "China will not/never prevail over United States".

A side question - do you have any resources where to find leverage data? 


我手头没有数据,我只是在道指的月K线图上看到从2016 年11月起的交易量是从前的三四倍,猜测有杠杆进场。 -牛鲜花妹妹- 给 牛鲜花妹妹 发送悄悄话 牛鲜花妹妹 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/26/2018 postreply 16:16:03
