从大千今日 看历史: 1月1日. Today in History: January 1

Abraham Lincoln reading the Emancipation Proclamation before his cabinet. From an engraving by Alexander Hay Ritchie after a painting by Francis Carpenter.

1863年:解放宣言生效. 亚伯拉罕·林肯 Abraham Lincoln  总统签署最后的解放宣言,结束 奴隶制。

  • Portrait of Edward Morgan Forster (London, 1879 - Coventry, 1970), English writer. Oil on canvas by Henry Tanworth Wells (1828-1903), 1875, 124.5 x99.1 cm. London, National Portrait Gallery
  • 1879:E.福斯特出生. 爱德华·摩根福斯特, 笔名称E. M.福斯特  E. M. Forster,出生在马里波恩,米德塞克斯,英国。
  • Republic of China, 1 Dollar, coin.
  • 1912年:中华民国成立.  中华民国与 孙中山 成立为“临时总统”。
  • 1942: The declaration of the United Nations, signed by 26 nations, and later adhered to by six others, pledging them to the principles of the Atlantic Charter, and binding them together in the common aim of victory over the Axis Powers and justice and peace for all peoples. The original signatories were the USA, UK, USSR, China, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Poland, South Africa and Yugoslavia. Later adherents are Mexico, the Commonwealth of the Philipines, Ethiopia, Iraq, Brazil and Bolivia.
  • 1942年:联合国成立. 总统富兰克林·罗斯福和英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔发表了一份声明,由26个国家的代表签署,称为“联合国”。
  • 1959: A truck filled with Cuban men rides through a narrow Havana street after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution and the overthrow of former dictator Fulgencio Batista, Cuba. The men are cheering and smiling with their hands held up in victory.
  • 1959年: 古巴 卡斯特罗Fidel Castro’s 领导的革命胜利.  古巴独裁者Fulgencio Batista逃离了这个岛国。
  • Vietnam War. US Marines riding on an M-48 tank in South Vietnam. 1966. Vietnam War. US Marines riding on an M-48 tank in South Vietnam. 1966.
  • 1966年: 美国海军第一师第一团的先遣队到达越南.
  • New York City Mayor David Dinkins takes the oath of office during a public ceremony on the steps of City Hall in New York, Monday, Jan. 1, 1990. His wife Joyce holds the Bible while Judge Fritz W. Alexander, right, administers oath which Dinkins first took at a private ceremony just after midnight. Former mayor Edward I. Koch is at left. New York Gov. Mario Cuomo is hidden behind Dinkins with his wife Matilda at his side.
  • 1990年:  大卫·丁肯斯是纽约市第一个非裔美国黑人 成为纽约市市长。
  • A Pakistani paramilitary soldier stands guard as local residents search for victims amid rubble a day after a suicide car bomb attack in the village of Shah Hasan Khan in Bannu district, bordering the Taliban stronghold of South Waziristan on January 2, 2010. Investigators sifted through rubble after a suicide car bomber detonated his explosives-filled vehicle in a crowd watching a volleyball game in northwest Pakistan, killing at least 93. The bombing marked a bloody start to 2010 for Pakistan, which has seen a surge in attacks blamed on the Taliban in recent months as Islamist fighters avenge military operations aimed at crushing their northwest strongholds.
  • 2010年: 自杀式炸弹袭击排球赛. 一辆自杀式汽车轰炸机在巴基斯坦Lakki Marwat的排球比赛中引爆,导致105人死亡,另外100人受伤。
  • A view of a street in Plateau district where a stampede occurred after a New Year's Eve fireworks display in Abidjan January 1, 2013. About 60 people were crushed to death in a stampede outside a stadium in Ivory Coast's main city of Abidjan after a New Year's Eve fireworks display, the government said on Tuesday. The incident took place near Felix Houphouet Boigny Stadium where a crowd had gathered to watch fireworks, emergency officials said.

  • 2013年: 在象牙海岸阿比让的FélixHouphouët-Boigny体育场庆祝活动后,至少有60人死亡,200人受伤。
  • 2017年: 土耳其夜总会新年恐袭致70多死伤. 土耳其夜总会遭恐袭现场 圣诞老人秒变夺命恶魔.

