Don't laugh at me

Today I also bought SIRI, SONS for long-term play.
Satellite radio is very popular now. In 2004 Satellite radio is a $8,400,000,000 business. It will increase to $18,000,000,000 in 2008.
Internet Voice market is even huge. Sonus Networks’ products has its own position on this market.
Internet Voice and satellite radio are hot spot rather than advanced tech(NANO?).


为什么现在买SONS? -uptrend- 给 uptrend 发送悄悄话 (27 bytes) () 12/29/2004 postreply 22:29:12

回复:为什么现在买SONS? -记吃不记打- 给 记吃不记打 发送悄悄话 (301 bytes) () 12/30/2004 postreply 07:39:04

回复:Don't laugh at me -nullll- 给 nullll 发送悄悄话 (180 bytes) () 12/30/2004 postreply 06:03:34
