Don't dare to talk about politics with my college kid.

来源: -worldance- 2016-09-23 09:46:13 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (919 bytes)

I went to my kid's college to attend a "family weekend" a few weeks ago. Sat in classes of my interests and talked to profs after classes, also to senior students from STEM to humanity majors. There are quite few students impressed me with their strong passions and what they've done outside classrooms. I can visualize that they will be the future leaders in their fields.  However, there is one thing in common, gosh they all are so deeply liberal, like 10X (Obama+Clinton)...

When i took my son and his friends out for dinners or fun off-campus activities, i was afraid to discuss politics freely with them, because 1) if they disagree, i would spoil the good time together, and 2) if they agree with me, they could get a F or D on their writings?

One thing for sure, i am not as liberal and lefty as their profs, although i consider myself as liberal...


千万别:)如果要谈,务必知道when to stop even if you (strongly) disagree. -R2D2- 给 R2D2 发送悄悄话 R2D2 的博客首页 (465 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 09:49:31

古今中外都是这个规律,所以年轻人左很正常,然后结婚成家往右靠;年轻右与老年左,那个才是要担心的 -没树的小林- 给 没树的小林 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 09:51:43

政治观点是很私人的事,也是伤害朋友,家人感情最有效的方式之一 -skyport- 给 skyport 发送悄悄话 skyport 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 09:54:48

亲朋之间,不要谈政治。不会有好结果的。这是基本法则。 -6degrees- 给 6degrees 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 09:59:53

liberalism is new religion. 看没看过那个录像? -CirrusCloud- 给 CirrusCloud 发送悄悄话 CirrusCloud 的博客首页 (92 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:04:15

没什么敢不敢的,但不谈是礼貌,除非人家起话题,你可以讲自己的看法;) --百科-- 给 -百科- 发送悄悄话 -百科- 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:05:36

Of course, politics is always the hot topic anytime among --worldance-- 给 -worldance- 发送悄悄话 (347 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:17:15

如果他们实地去做,那比空谈好。但同时,你的concern其实对他们也有好处。如果是我会问些具体问题,提出一些具体看法:) --百科-- 给 -百科- 发送悄悄话 -百科- 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:19:32

i did, they looked at me like I was D. Trump... --worldance-- 给 -worldance- 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:22:24

poor you:) --百科-- 给 -百科- 发送悄悄话 -百科- 的博客首页 (580 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:32:24

I have no problem talking to them. They are -壮士- 给 壮士 发送悄悄话 (57 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:08:13

it's ok even makes you popular if you teaching, but.... --worldance-- 给 -worldance- 发送悄悄话 (202 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:28:50

有点文化大革命的感觉是不是? 呵呵。 -CirrusCloud- 给 CirrusCloud 发送悄悄话 CirrusCloud 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:30:44

they are so intense and serious, --worldance-- 给 -worldance- 发送悄悄话 (267 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:37:12

那一定有很多见闻了,真的很想听听一手资料 --百科-- 给 -百科- 发送悄悄话 -百科- 的博客首页 (32 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:39:05

可以理解的。当年好多人都到国外去打仗呢。 -CirrusCloud- 给 CirrusCloud 发送悄悄话 CirrusCloud 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:44:24

在公司,学校等都不谈政治,尤其是不同generations之间。 -faday- 给 faday 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 10:55:07

You are too old. :) -Derrick_Liu- 给 Derrick_Liu 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 11:53:07

ya right, age is just a number for my age. --worldance-- 给 -worldance- 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 12:14:42

这是和大孩子,各自观念已经形成,只可井水不犯河水。可是小孩子我认为还是应该在家里讨论政治和社会问题,稍作引导 -萃阁- 给 萃阁 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 12:47:17

家长洗脑洗不过学校的,只能等孩子们年纪大了,慢慢地会看清社会的。 -rancho2008- 给 rancho2008 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 13:32:09

上藤有风险,家长需谨慎。我也是很反感这种洗脑。文科生尤其激进。教授就是教唆犯。越是名校越教唆 -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2016 postreply 20:04:24



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