Marco Vernaschi(Born in 1973,Italy)
Jan Banning (Born in 1954,Netherlands)
Greg Kahn(USA)
Marc Lagrange (Fashion photographer,Belgium)
RYAN MCGINLEY (Born in 1977,New York, USA)
Damon Winter(born in 1974,New York, USA)
Damon Winter
Andy Spyra (Born in 1984,German)
Michael Ackerman (Born in 1967,German)
Michael Ackerman
Sarah Elliott(born in 1984,USA )
Daniel Berehulak (born in 1975, Australia)
Marco Di Lauro (born in 1970, Italy)
Ed Kashi (born in 1957,USA)
Andrew McConnell (born in 1977, Irish)
Davide Monteleone (Born in 1974,Italy)
Fashion show 的一个镜头。 Daniel Berehulak (born in 1975, Australia)
Winship Vanessa (born in 1960,UK)
微版蒙娜丽莎的微笑。娇羞而神秘。 凭此一片,便可笑傲世界摄坛。 Sally Mann (born in 1951 ,USA)
Andrew Testa(Born in London, UK)
Bruno Stevens(born in 1959, Brussels)
Katie Falkenberg(USA)
Damon Winter
Nadav Kander(born in 1961, Isael)
Jodi Bieber(born in 1966,South African )
"I think if you believe you are beautiful, you will appear beautiful to the world. " Brenda Rena Effendi(born in 1977, Azerbaijan)
John Wadsworth fashion摄影模糊大拿. 模糊与情绪. Anka Zhuravleva (born in 1980,Russia) 艺术世家,极具才华,能画能摄,未来不可限量. Danielle Tunstall (England) 以horror photography 闻名,是恐怖专家. 片子还好,一般恐怖啦.最恐怖的是其创意,有无穷多,令人发指. Ellen Rogers1(England) 拍摄女同专家,有多个系列.片子多是粉粉的调调,美丽妖艳而又透着忧伤.好像对女同深有理解. Ellen Rogers1(England)
John Santerineross (Born in 1955 ,USA)
Marc Lagrange (born in 1957,Belgium) 精美的曲线,冷冷的眼神,体现出摄者对God created women 的热爱以及对于男人世界装模做样人五人六的高度鄙视.汗! Sally Mann(born in 1951 ,USA) 缺憾美之proud of flesh之免磨皮 Danielle Tunstall 过目不忘的恐怖美 ------------------------------------------------------谢谢观赏 up制作@2011------------------------------------------------------
• 杂谈贴过,找不到啦,再贴一下,看过略之,谢谢 -啊扑- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/22/2011 postreply 13:02:36
• 谢谢分享你的收集,着意加的注释对作品的欣赏和理解很有帮助。 -彩云舒- ♀ (0 bytes) () 12/22/2011 postreply 14:34:14
• 真棒呀啊扑,以后摄影类的多多贴走廊,祝你圣诞快乐新年愉快 -淑女司令- ♀ (0 bytes) () 12/22/2011 postreply 15:41:53
• 好,收藏,多多转来 -夏仲梦- ♀ (0 bytes) () 12/22/2011 postreply 18:18:41
• 月末画廊精彩,阿扑新年好 -英二- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/22/2011 postreply 21:35:27
• 一并谢谢各位,祝各位新年好 -啊扑- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/23/2011 postreply 06:33:39