

I have a Compaq Presario P4, 2.5GHz desktop --2 years old. Recent few days it started to show something odd. From time to time, the computer shuts down itself and then automatically trys to reboot. Sometimes it lasts a few hours, but more often it keeps shuting down and restarting. if I leave it unattended, it keeps on and off without stop.

I am really worried about it and start to copy my useful files to a external hard drive.

Anyone knows why and please give me some hint? Appreciated.


try to clean the radiator for CPU first. -Norm- 给 Norm 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/04/2006 postreply 17:48:41

回复:try to clean the radiator for CPU first. -chelsa10- 给 chelsa10 发送悄悄话 (154 bytes) () 12/04/2006 postreply 17:54:47

Hardware? Power supply? -dudaan- 给 dudaan 发送悄悄话 (445 bytes) () 12/04/2006 postreply 21:38:33

回复:回复:try to clean the radiator for CPU first. -Norm- 给 Norm 发送悄悄话 (99 bytes) () 12/04/2006 postreply 22:41:21
