Grace Period

来源: cygg 2019-10-04 11:10:28 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5362 bytes)
回答: 车祸发生时保险过期了17天gongzuozhou2019-10-02 14:15:10

Here is the definition of "Grace Period" from online search

"The additional period of time a lender or insurance policy issuer provides for a borrower to make payment on a debt without penalty."

My understanding is that you can still pay your same rate within in the grace period with no penalty if nothing happened.  The insurance then went to back to the day the police expired and insurance company make extra money (for example, if the policy expired for 20 days and you paid later, the policy would go back for 20 days, not the day you pay the policy).  However, if there was an accident, the insurance company will definetely not cover it, since you did not pay for the coverage.  So please don't waste time on the grace period or think a way for insurance company to pay.  Your best shot is to focus on negotiating a better deal with the other party so you can pay less





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