习近平国师郑永年爆性骚:星国法界人士曝 至少6女受害 Zheng Yongnian Accused of Sexual Hara


Xi Jinping's Advisor Zheng Yongnian Accused of Sexual Harassment: At least six female victims, and most of them are afraid to speak out


楊毅 2020年12月08日 18:23:00  https://www.upmedia.mg/news_info.php?SerialNo=101816

Yang Yi December 08, 2020 18:23:00 https://www.upmedia.mg/news_info.php?SerialNo=101816

新闻转自上报 https://www.upmedia.mg/news_info.php?SerialNo=101816

一名星國法界人士向《上報》證實,鄭永年性騷擾受害女性至少有6人以上。圖為鄭永年今年8月出席由習近平主持的經濟社會領域專家座談 (取自中新網)

A Singapore legal source confirmed that there are at least 6 victims to Zheng Yongnian’s sexual harassment. The Picture, Zheng Yongnian attends a symposium of experts in economic and social fields chaired by Xi Jinping in August, 2020. (image from www.chinanews.com)




Zheng Yongnian, the former director of East Asia Institute at National University of Singapore, who has been named as one of Chinese President Xi Jinping's "economic advisors", has been charged with committing sexual harassment on female subordinates. Besides the two victims who had reported to Singapore Police Force, a source in Singapore legal profession who has inside information reveals that to his knowledge, there are at least 6 female victims. He has contacted, in various forms, with some of the victims.  However, most of the victims are too afraid to speak out for the fear of reprisal. Some victims have changed their jobs and got married. It is difficult to proceed further in Zheng's case.  



After Zheng was accused of sexual harassment, he left Singapore and returned to China to become the Director of the Advanced Institute of Global and Contemporary China Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (香港中文大学(深圳)全球与当代中国高等研究院). However, the two female victims who reported Zheng to the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Singapore Police Force (SPF) were still unable to accept the findings of the SPF and NUS, believing that they had flippantly closed the case and discharged Zheng inappropriately; Recently, the two female victims were interviewed by the Upmedia(上報), who want to expose Zheng’s sexual harassment maleficence against them.


至少6女遭性騷霸凌 怕被報復拒舉報

At least six women had been sexually abused and experienced workplace bullying, but they refused to speak up for fear of retaliation



Besides these two victims, the Singapore lawyer, having in-depth knowledge of the case further confirmed to the reporter that, in addition to the two known female research fellows, there were at least six or more victims whom he had known of and been in contact with. He had had "deep talks" with three female victims, who had experienced similar kinds of workplace bullying and sexual harassment, and, had crying hardly when speaking about what Zheng Yongnian had done to them. Some of them have long since left Singapore to work elsewhere, some are still in the academic circle, while there are some who have got married and had children. No one dares to come forward to the police, because they are afraid of being exposed, and retaliated by Zheng. 



Zheng Yongnian had left Singapore after he was accused of sexual harassment. A Singapore lawyer confirmed to the Upmedia that there were at least six female victims, three of which had told him about Zheng Yongnian’s sexual harassment committed to them. (image from: people.com)



The Singapore lawyer said that for the two victims who had reported to the SPF and NUS, the SPF had given Zheng Yongnian a stern warning in one case, while the SPF had not taken action in another case. This indicates that Zheng Yongnian may have done something wrong, but it had not been so serious that he would be prosecuted thereby. Even if Zheng Yongnian left Singapore, it seems that he is still an influential figure, so that the NUS wanted to avoid further troubles and made concessions in Zheng’s case, letting him leave East Asian Institute (EAI) and Singapore. During the NUS investigation, Zheng admittedly only that he had hugged the victim, but Zheng did not admit that he had slapped the victim on her hip.   




案發太久 「揪狼入監」除非有新事證

Some cases happened too long ago. New evidence required to indict Zheng



The Singapore lawyer pointed out that because some sexual harassment incidents had occurred a long time ago. The victims did not report to the police when it occurred. This may be the reason why the SPF did not go further to investigate the cases. Furthermore, in practice, Singapore has no law to deal with workplace bullying. To establish the legal offence, it has to be consistent and explicit nuisance behaviour that lasts for a long term. Also, what follows would be a legal process that could continue for a long period of time. In view of the present situation, he believes that Zheng’s case is unlikely to go further and it is difficult to investigate Zheng’s culpability, unless other victims are willing to come forward and provide new evidence, which will then bring about new breakthrough. In that case, the "warning" given to Zheng by the SPF would then become a concrete consideration of the SPF to prosecute Zheng.





