DON'T 申请个人破产!

本文内容已被 [ SanZi ] 在 2004-02-03 07:43:45 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

Don't go bankrupcy unless you absolutely know what it means and absolutely sure it is what you want.

Credit card debts are UNSECURED DEBTS. It means credit card debts do not hold anything as collateral. They can't come after your personal property. All they can do is ruin your credit report, and that's much better than bankrupcy showing up on your credit history.

You can always negotiate with credit card company for lesser amount, payment plan, partial payment, etc. If you owe them $30k for 4 years they would be extremely happy to get back $10k.

You can always despute with credit agencies about your negative tradelines.

Do extensive research on the web. There are numbers of discussion forums about credit, finance, and debt collections. I recently used these information to resolve an old medical bill and bumped my FICO score up 60 points.

Get a labor job. Make some cash.

Good luck.


Thank you very much! -小小文- 给 小小文 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/02/2004 postreply 16:35:00
