What could Romney promote to win?

An incumbent sitting on high unemployment rate and slow growth is an easy target for anyone. Then, what should/could Romney promote to win?

I don't mind Mitt, but he's been hijacked by the far right GOPs, in exchange for their support. I am afraid he can't and won't advocate some of his strength or even beliefs.

He did well with healthcare, but did he really promote/sell his strength? He didn't and he can't. All he could sell was his businessman past, that's really a mute point in the grand scale of governing.

With slow growth and high unemployment rate, Obama went on offense last night, while Romney having a hard time to deliver hard punches.

Libya was a target as big as a football field, but Mitt swung and missed pathetically, with that minor mistake. For a major incident like that, get to the root of the issue, do not play with semantics. Obama on the other hand, appeared very "presidential" - She works for me, as Command in Chief, I am ALWAYS responsible.

Romney could easily make the winning case in healthcare - I am for universal healthcare, and I did well. You are for it as well, but you failed. The only problem is, universal healthcare doesn't sit well with large insurance companies, and Mitt needs their support. Instead of a winning assault weapon, healthcare becomes a defensive tool - I did well in MA, so you cant' attack me.

4 years ago, Bush left with 2 wars and a mess, anyone can be viewed a better option. But GOP came up with McCain - the senile one, and SP - I can see Russia from my backyard, so I have foreign policy experience. Obama with NO experience but a "change" rhetoric moved into the Oval Office.

Romney is trying to insert the impression that he's about change as well. But too bad, voters won't buy an entire empty promise any more. Even just half-glass, you need to offer them something. He said a lot about jobs and growth, tax cuts, deficit reduction. That's all dandy and sound, but now it comes the meat - how do you pay for that? Simplifying tax code and closing loop holes. That sounds good again. But for instance, what loop hole? Romney mentioned lowering rate to reduce deduction, mind you, those middle class deductions. He can't and won't say anything about separating corporate tax and personal tax, capital gain etc, because that's the loop hole he's sitting at, and that's the loop hole super riches are voting him for.

Now, I don't believe Obama will achieve that - taxing capital gain the same as income, and separating corporate tax and personal tax, once he's re-elected. But the difference is, he can promote that, while Mitt can't. Obama's suggestion include 2 specifics - 1. don't extend the tax break for the rich 2. provide tax incentives for firms moving jobs back. Those are achievable goals, whether those are going to be super effective, I doubt it. But there are specifics, while Romney couldn't come up with any.

So the haunting question for Romney is, what exact loophole is he going to cut to meet that huge number he needs.

Americans are ready to dump Obama, if they are given a clear alternative option. "Since you are bad, why don't we try something else" strategy was used by Obama 4 years ago, so it's not that effective this time any more.

In my opinion, maybe, just maybe, instead of rallying the far right, Romney could try a riskier but more winnable strategy, to go after Obama's supporters.

"I am for universal healthcare, and I have successful experience, while you only had failure."

"I am ready to sacrifice and pay more taxes, and will be very efficient in creating jobs, while you wasted precious resources growing government only."

"We were in a bad state when you took office, that's why America gave you the chance to deliver. But you failed to meet your promise, while my experience granting me far better chance to succeed."

Those should be the winning tickets for Romney, if all he wants is to win; otherwise, he would still be the hostage of far right.


nodnod. he doen't believe in far right either, but he courted th -lilipp- 给 lilipp 发送悄悄话 lilipp 的博客首页 (408 bytes) () 10/17/2012 postreply 10:08:41

昨晚总统辩论点评 -Simply_leaf- 给 Simply_leaf 发送悄悄话 Simply_leaf 的博客首页 (12192 bytes) () 10/17/2012 postreply 10:09:26

noso也是你们北京人,还是铁杆共和党。他发表这样的有失偏颇的评论我一点都不奇怪:)) -老看客- 给 老看客 发送悄悄话 老看客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/17/2012 postreply 10:39:15
