CNBC Poll: 76% agrees with Romney.

本文内容已被 [ quantnj ] 在 2012-09-19 11:20:39 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

Do you agree with Romney's statement?

Yes: 76%

No :22%

Not sure: 2%


I guess no single vote from that 47% group.


大家心里都清楚。很多人不过是为了利益,厚着脸皮。 -storit- 给 storit 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 10:15:44

The question is: what statement? -Warsteiner- 给 Warsteiner 发送悄悄话 Warsteiner 的博客首页 (254 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 10:33:37

different demography -justnow- 给 justnow 发送悄悄话 (64 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 10:42:35

It doesn't matter. If they say voters with higher income -Warsteiner- 给 Warsteiner 发送悄悄话 Warsteiner 的博客首页 (170 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 10:45:46

not necessary higher income, but has more interest in investment -moneyIterator- 给 moneyIterator 发送悄悄话 moneyIterator 的博客首页 (51 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 10:52:02

most people are not as math-savvy as you. 47% to them is just a -quantnj- 给 quantnj 发送悄悄话 (52 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 10:45:29

他说得最不好的地方,不是47%不交税,也不是47%支持Obama -野生动物摄影家- 给 野生动物摄影家 发送悄悄话 野生动物摄影家 的博客首页 (443 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 10:48:04

That's why he's not qualified as a politician not to mention pre -Warsteiner- 给 Warsteiner 发送悄悄话 Warsteiner 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 10:49:40

I thought that qualifies him as a true politician. ;) -moneyIterator- 给 moneyIterator 发送悄悄话 moneyIterator 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 10:58:02

Your quote“如果我当了总统,我不care这些人” -quantnj- 给 quantnj 发送悄悄话 (667 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 11:17:50

"My job is not to worry about those people" -野生动物摄影家- 给 野生动物摄影家 发送悄悄话 野生动物摄影家 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/19/2012 postreply 11:22:25
