
1号堆(Unit 1)建筑物爆炸,是专家们为避免反应堆失控而采取的孤注一掷的行动(desperate effort):释放高压气体,冒着高压气体中的氢气与空气发生爆炸反应的危险。也就是说,爆炸是专家们预料到了的。经过注入海水,现在1号堆的状况已经恢复正常。

2号堆(Unit 2)未受影响。

为控制3号堆(Unit 3)的状况,专家们释放了该反应堆的一些带有轻微放射性的气体(slightly radioactive air)。据推测,该反应堆有可能发生了partial meltdown。现正在做灌注海水、降温降压处理。




来源: 老燕王 于 2011-03-12 11:11:19 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:74次

老夫几个帖子已经说了 - 高估了鬼子们。1971年建的 第一代反应堆。早该淘汰了。


一旦发生 “meltdown”就基本是一条道了 - 爆炸 - 除非自己定向爆破。现在那里根本是混乱。
注入海水是无用的 - 因为 valve jammed - 内压太高 - 高到把发电的蒸汽轮机都炸了!
老夫哈哈大笑,又笑不出来 - 反应堆里从来没有注入“海水”一说。不是翻译笨蛋,
就是日本完了 - 胡来了!
stay covered!


For battered Japan, a new threat: nuclear meltdown

By ERIC TALMADGE and YURI KAGEYAMA, Associated Press Eric Talmadge And Yuri Kageyama, Associated Press

IWAKI, Japan – A partial meltdown was likely under way at a second nuclear reactor, a top Japanese official said Sunday, as operators frantically tried to prevent a similar threat from a nearby unit at the same facility following a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that may have killed 1,000 people.

Some 170,000 people have been ordered to evacuate the area covering a radius of 12 miles (20 kilometers) around the plant in Fukushima near Iwaki. A meltdown refers to a very serious collapse of a power plant's systems and its ability to manage temperatures. A complete meltdown would release uranium and dangerous byproducts into the environment that can pose serious health risks.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters that a partial meltdown in Unit 3 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant is "highly possible."

"Because it's inside the reactor, we cannot directly check it but we are taking measures on the assumption of the possible partial meltdown," he said.

Japan dealt with the nuclear threat as it struggled to determine the scope of the twin disasters Friday, when an 8.9-magnitude earthquake, the most powerful in its recorded history, was followed by a tsunami that ravaged its northeastern coast with breathtaking speed and power.

The official count of the dead was 763, but the government said the figure could far exceed 1,000. Media reports said some 10,000 people were missing or unaccounted for.

Unit 3 is one of the three working reactors at the Fukushima plant that were damaged, losing the cooling functions necessary to keep the fuel rods working properly. The other unit in trouble is called Unit 1. The facility's Unit 2 has not been affected.

On Saturday, an explosion destroyed the walls of Unit 1 as operators desperately tried to prevent it from overheating and melting down.

Edano said cooling operation at Unit 1 was going smoothly after sea water was pumped in. He expressed hope that it would keep the plant under control.

Operators released slightly radioactive air from Unit 3 Sunday, while injecting water into it as an effort to reduce pressure and temperature to save the reactor from a possible meltdown, Edano said.

He said radiation levels briefly rose above legal limits, but that it has since declined significantly. Also, fuel rods were exposed briefly, he said, indicating that coolant water didn't cover the rods for some time. That would contribute further to raising the temperature in the reactor vessel.

Meanwhile, the government doubled the number of troops pressed into rescue and recovery operations to about 100,000 from 51,000.

Teams searched for the missing along hundreds of miles (kilometers) of the Japanese coast, and thousands of hungry survivors huddled in darkened emergency centers that were cut off from rescuers and aid. At least a million households had gone without water since the quake struck. Large areas of the countryside were surrounded by water and unreachable. Some 2.5 million households were without electricity.

Powerful aftershocks continued to rock the country, including one Sunday with a magnitude of 6.2 that originated in the sea, about 111 miles (179 kilometers) east of Tokyo. It swayed buildings in the capital, but there were no reports of injuries or damage.


但愿3号堆的处理结果与1号堆一样令人满意。 -老看客- 给 老看客 发送悄悄话 老看客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2011 postreply 22:09:04

我只能说是令人难以置信。 -老看客- 给 老看客 发送悄悄话 老看客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2011 postreply 21:59:49

你这个专家是货真价实的,和和! -老看客- 给 老看客 发送悄悄话 老看客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2011 postreply 22:27:19

hahahaha...... -老看客- 给 老看客 发送悄悄话 老看客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2011 postreply 22:37:43

俺稍给那老XX一搭脉,就看出是瞎蒙,就没鸟他了,哈哈。 -CondorMustFly- 给 CondorMustFly 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2011 postreply 21:55:20

有眼光,佩服:)) -老看客- 给 老看客 发送悄悄话 老看客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2011 postreply 22:35:53

老总你回他话都是多余,真的:) -Warsteiner- 给 Warsteiner 发送悄悄话 Warsteiner 的博客首页 (559 bytes) () 03/12/2011 postreply 22:12:18

谢W总,周末愉快! -老看客- 给 老看客 发送悄悄话 老看客 的博客首页 (115 bytes) () 03/12/2011 postreply 22:19:54

回复:共产党的教育就是让人只有党性,(即听党的话,做领导的奴隶),而灭人性。你认为ze -Lianxin- 给 Lianxin 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2011 postreply 07:05:38

现在还不能说危机已过。一是3号堆的结果未明,二是有可能发生持续的余震。 -老看客- 给 老看客 发送悄悄话 老看客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2011 postreply 22:23:26

回复:最新消息:经历过爆炸的1号堆已恢复正常,2号堆未受影响,3号堆正在灌注海水处理。 -europe- 给 europe 发送悄悄话 europe 的博客首页 (114 bytes) () 03/13/2011 postreply 03:07:14
