Most Lexus Owners didn't know

回答: 停车钮=Starter button?很滑稽。花椒2009-10-30 07:54:05

In the manual, buried in millions of text lines, it says "! Caution - do not touch the 'power' switch while driving!" But under the warning it adds, "If you have to make an emergency stop, press and hold the 'power' switch for more than three seconds."

Not to mention the "! Caution", how many car owners read every line of their car manual?


所有的电脑都是这样的呀,按着Power不放就关机了 -cys254- 给 cys254 发送悄悄话 (18 bytes) () 11/02/2009 postreply 06:59:27
