价廉物美 and "Gold Wing" are not 2 compatible terms

回答: 说说你心目中不朽的经典CarCrazier2009-08-30 14:27:25

Apprently you did not know what you were posting.

My sympathy to your complete ignorance on the subject.


come on! a little humor doesn't hurt. -用户名被占用了- 给 用户名被占用了 发送悄悄话 用户名被占用了 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/31/2009 postreply 07:39:22

come on! admiting you did not know doesn't hurt. -once4all09- 给 once4all09 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/31/2009 postreply 08:27:30

ok. i don't know until you told me it was an expensive car -用户名被占用了- 给 用户名被占用了 发送悄悄话 用户名被占用了 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/31/2009 postreply 09:23:27

Sounds almost sincere :) -once4all09- 给 once4all09 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/31/2009 postreply 11:22:57
