Where the most likely accidents accur

来源: internuts 2009-01-11 14:08:27 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2534 bytes)
I just read an article about accidents, pretty good so to share with you:

Left Turns:
A very common cause of accidents is vehicles that turn left right in front of another vehicle that is just drive straight through a green light.

Right Turns:

When turning right at an intersection drivers may be focused on traffic coming from their left an not notice cars entering the road from a driveway just beyond the corner.

A wreck can happen when a driver making a left turn swings wide into the curb side lane as another driver is turning right into that lane.

Wide Right Turns:
Truck and bus drivers sometimes need to swing wide to the left in order to safely negotiate a right turn. They cannot see cars directly behind or beside them.

Cutting in between the commercial vehicle and the curb or shoulder to the right increases the possibility of a crash. Backing Up. When a truck is backing up, it sometimes must block the street to maneuver its trailer accurately. Never cross behind a truck that is preparing to back up or is in the process of doing so. Remember, most trailers are eight and a half feet wide and can completely hide objects that suddenly come between them and loading areas. Automobile drivers attempting to pass behind a truck enter a blind spot for both drivers.

On our freeways accidents are caused in most cases when drivers that are merging or exiting. Not leaving proper space between vehicles is part of the cause.

Not checking rearview mirrors often for the position of traffic behind you when changing lanes leads to accidents.

Head On Collisions:
Passing is very dangerous and can lead to head on collisions. Always make sure you have time and room to get all the way in front of the vehicle you are passing without creating danger for vehicles coming toward you.

Rear end collisions are the greatest danger on freeways. Always leave room for emergency stops. In most driving situations, you slow down or stop before you enter a busy road, but when entering a freeway you do the opposite. Use the merging or acceleration lane to speed up and merge with fast-moving traffic already on the road. Try to reach freeway speed by the time you start merging. Keep moving if at all possible. A stop might mean a slow and dangerous start into fast traffic. Even slowing down as you approach an entrance can result in a rear end collision with a driver behind who expected you to pick up speed, not slow down.


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