need to retake ISSE?

来源: 找不到密码 2022-11-21 08:22:05 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (884 bytes)

My daughter is applying 9th grade private school, she took Nov ISEE test and got three 9s, but her volcab is only 6. She wants to take the Jan test again, if the result is not better we can still use Nov's score to submit. The only disadvantage is we have to wait till Jan to send the score. As other materials e.g. school report won't be available until Jan anyway, I think it will be fine to take another test. However her counselor told her to submit now just to get the ISEE item checked from school list. She said it will be more impressive to see three 9s in Nov than in Jan as students get more time to prepare. But even we ended up using Nov result in Jan’s submission, school can still see the test date, right? so if we submit now, we only lose another chance to try for a better score without getting any benefits. Appreciate your thoughts.


私立学校现在还那么卷吗? -avw- 给 avw 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/21/2022 postreply 08:28:34

covid 以后不要太卷,公校老师流失严重, 申请丝糕地成倍增长 -找不到密码- 给 找不到密码 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/21/2022 postreply 18:32:13

如果现有成绩在90%以上没必要再考了。丝糕和私立大学一样, 成绩达标就看其它的东西了。 -Rockeymountain- 给 Rockeymountain 发送悄悄话 Rockeymountain 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/21/2022 postreply 08:29:23

有点可惜,就在6分最高线上 -找不到密码- 给 找不到密码 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/21/2022 postreply 18:37:08

看过了,六分对于她想去的两所学校都是need improvement, 就是不知道三个9 有多少补偿作用 -找不到密码- 给 找不到密码 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/21/2022 postreply 19:10:25

percentile是? -凊荷- 给 凊荷 发送悄悄话 凊荷 的博客首页 (51 bytes) () 11/21/2022 postreply 09:33:06

76%, 99%, 98%,98% -找不到密码- 给 找不到密码 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/21/2022 postreply 18:39:56



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