USACO Camp is barely harder than doing a LeetCode hard?

来源: BeLe 2021-10-31 18:04:59 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (10434 bytes)
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I'm so sick and tired of EVERY SINGLE quant firm doing their first round of resume screening by searching for olympiad experience. It was HIGHSCHOOL, get over it already. The ability to get to USACO Camp is barely harder than doing a Leetcode hard, but for some reason every recruiter views it as a sign of god-given talent.

Don't even get me started on all the headhunters and company bios that brag about "We have multiple IMO Medalists!!!!" Like... Congrats on hiring some kid from the Azerbaijan Olympiad team who was prepped his entire life only to get a bronze and now then barely cracks the top 100 in the class at MIT or Harvard???

If you didn't happen to start studying for your olympiads when you were 12, you might as well give up on trying to get Quant interviews. Even if you do somehow squeeze your way in, you will always be looked at as an outsider, a fraud - someone without the god given innate talent to study your way to the Democratic Republic of ****'s IOI team.








问题是进过IMO/MOP/Camp的有没有比没进过的Trader战绩更好?这一直是个Mistery -whaled- 给 whaled 发送悄悄话 (377 bytes) () 10/31/2021 postreply 18:13:09

奥数到了一个阶段就是刷题和准备如何写解题,不一定适合有些数学牛娃。可能看重的是周而复始的抗压能力和守规则能力吧 -zaocha2002- 给 zaocha2002 发送悄悄话 (177 bytes) () 11/01/2021 postreply 01:00:58

12岁开始全部时间投入奥数训练,那是疯了。。。 -zaocha2002- 给 zaocha2002 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/01/2021 postreply 00:57:02

哈哈哈 -成功的兔- 给 成功的兔 发送悄悄话 (72 bytes) () 10/31/2021 postreply 18:23:36

至少是赢在起跑线上了。高中毕业就有了本科毕业的水平。 -成功的熊- 给 成功的熊 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/31/2021 postreply 19:35:19

好像在欧洲也这样 -zaocha2002- 给 zaocha2002 发送悄悄话 (386 bytes) () 11/01/2021 postreply 00:32:51



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