
来源: Frankie1211 2021-10-31 17:31:00 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (8264 bytes)


女儿八年级暑假在德州圣安东尼奥Trinity University参加杜克大学夏令营,写作课堂上有一篇练习作文,女儿回来说上课老师很喜欢。我后来每次读起来,也觉得有味道。这篇文章是基于真实的经历和一定的想象力回忆她姨姥的一生。











但是我姨姥听不进去母亲的的意见,固执地拒绝了她母亲的反对。“我爱他,” 她坚持说。



“我爱你。” 我的脑海里总记得我对她这样说。"你又给我带来了这么多东西!“






”我们帮不了她。” 她中国的亲戚们都说。我很震惊他们中没有人尝试着帮她。不久,她孤独地在她住了大半生的公寓里面去世。我非常伤心,我离的太远了,帮不上忙。但我总是心里安慰自己说她到了一个更好的地方。



Sweet Lemons

When life gives you lemons, sometimes they never go away.
My great aunt had never had an easy life. She was born the second child of a family of five kids, and she never went to bed with a full stomach. When she was barely ten, her father was forced by the government to do military service. He tearfully left his kids and wife. None of them knew they wouldn’t see their father again for twenty years.

“Of course, it was hard when my husband and left,” said her mother. “But it didn’t mean we weren’t a family anymore. I still have five kids I can be proud of.”
For the rest of her childhood, my great aunt was raised by her mother, who scraped an earning working at the local bank. She worked hard for her mother at part time jobs, often in late hours. Because of that, she was bullied in school for her dirty clothes, and she struggled to keep up with her homework. Still, she didn’t give up for her loving family, pledging to be there for them no matter what happened to her.

“She’s just…really kind,” said one of her brothers when they were younger. “She would always give us her meal first, and she worked through entire nights for us.”
When her mother could no longer support her, my great aunt married her childhood sweetheart at a young age. However, her mother never approved of the marriage.
“He isn’t the right man for my daughter,” she used to say. “I don’t trust him.”

But my great aunt stubbornly refused to listen.

“I love him,” she had insisted. For the first couple months, she lived her fairy tale, touring China with her new husband and. But over time, resentment grew between them. They had a bitter divorce, and he left soon after, leaving her with her newborn son.
For years afterwards, she raised her son alone in a small apartment.

Even as she struggled financially, she never failed to visit me, always bringing a huge packet of snacks and toys along with her.

“I love you.” There was a recording of me saying. “You bring me lots of stuff!”

The next time I saw her, her hair had turned snowy white and she had lost weight. Her mind had also changed, finally wearing down from years of heartbreak and difficulties.

“There’s a man following me,” she always whispered, looking nervously over her shoulder.
The sight of her saddened me. This was no longer the lively woman I knew when I was little, carefree and loving, never worrying about anything. Her old self was almost gone now, leaving only her bitter memories of her old husand and her grown son that abandoned her.

Still, she brought me the same snacks and toys she had over six years ago, this part of her never changing.

Just a year later, I found out my great aunt had gotten breast cancer.

“We can’t help her,” said my relatives in China. It shocked me that they barely tried, barely wanted to help. She passed away alone and isolated in the apartment she lived in most of her life.

It hurt that I was too far away to help, but also comforting that she was in a better place. I hope she still remembers the words I said when I was young, that she will always remember. “I love you.”

Maybe lemons can be sweet, after all.


八年级的时候才十三四岁吧?伤感而细腻,儿童的心更容易感受到善良的灵魂 -consgardener- 给 consgardener 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/31/2021 postreply 17:37:46

Touched -成功的兔- 给 成功的兔 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/31/2021 postreply 17:40:07

好文笔!今天和孩子视频,她说自己这个学期不很忙,可以天天写东西,很开心。最近挑战自己写一系列一百个字的短故事。 -可能成功的P- 给 可能成功的P 发送悄悄话 可能成功的P 的博客首页 (83 bytes) () 10/31/2021 postreply 17:49:44

我们也再鼓励她有时间继续写作和日记,她总是推脱说忙。其实是懒和喜欢玩。哈哈 -Frankie1211- 给 Frankie1211 发送悄悄话 Frankie1211 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/01/2021 postreply 04:47:04



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