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回答: 有链接吗?吴红2021-09-02 16:08:55



Notes from today:
started later (11:17) at Rocky Mountain Primary Care (LOTS OF CONFUSION ON IF THEY WERE LIVE)
Started notes at 11:20:

-Regular scheduled update on Covid-19. Good economic news: add'l reduction in income next next year (From 4.05% to 4.00% (I think)). Unfortunately, still in the health impact of pandemic. 796 in hospital w/ COVID.

-103 of the 796 people are "breakthrough" / vax'ed cases. this is of the 75% of adults vax'ed. What we're seeing: crisis of the unvax'ed. 785 ADULTS

-those who are vax'ed can contract, typically smaller impact of virus.

Pediatric: 5 kids aged 0-11 in hospitals; 6 kids between 12-17 in hospital (this group is vaccine eligible). In the 12-17 age group, the vax is ALMOST 100% effective.


- Will report more regularly and will provide graphics on breakthrough cases

-looks like we may be leveling off at a high level - not seeing the same growth, but not seeing a decline

-Be careful, get vax'ed, wear a mask in crowds and avoid large groups

-We are in Westminister now at "Partners in Health" -- announcing a new partnership w/ DR's / Physicians across the state (25% of eligible haven't gotten it) - some of this group won't get it, some are open to it. The most meaningful convo those open to it can have is with their DR. Many practices have stepped up to do this; we're announcing a new program to support that outreach with that doctor community to increase the vax rate. Joined by several DR's today (Dr Aaron Shupp; Dr Marc Moss). Hope new partnership w/ family doctors will be a good way to reach people

-Program is live for the practices to engage with -- can get doses they need, get compensation, can get add'l staff. Applications open today and open through November (private practices, pediatricians, etc) for applying for funding and support. "Primary care vaccination program"

-Dr Shupp:

-Thank you for commitment to address COVID pandemic here. Thanks to Dr. Shannon Hill -- they have been vax champions in Broomfield. Helped Rocky Mountain Primary Care providers to become a vax clinic. Thanks to staff and volunteers for those who have been part of COVID vax clinics; we've provided >3,500 vax doses.

-Family physicians, pediatricians, and other primary care providers are "front line" to people. They can be instrumental in overcoming vaccine hesitation. (Next - he told a story about how Dr Shupp has had success 1:1 with helping people overcome hesitation)

-Important to understand that family practices typically offer other vax's and have relationships with patients. Speaking with primary care about risk, safety considerations, and health can be helpful.

-this grant program for primary care's to provide the vax will make it easier. Clinic can use the grant funding to help get patients vax'ed -- can pay for staff time, technology to reach out to patients and provide information. The easier for people to get vax'ed, the better off it'll be.


DR. Moss:

-Head of pulmonary medicine, I've been caring for COVID patients for 19-months. we're at an important cross-roads now. In ICU, we've been caring for sickest patients as a team. I see the tireless work of the providers.

-Caring for COVID patients was emotionally challenging. Extraordinary and relentless efforts.

-COVID Vax is one of the greatest achievements in modern medicine. I cried (with Joy) when I got my first shot, realizing I may not die in the front lines. Inadiquate vax rates is letting this pandemic rage on

-Unfortunately: Some elective surgeries postponed again due to COVID care needs. As variants raise, more breakthrough cases. Pediatric cases. "Long-COVID" symptoms are causing post-covid health care. Covid accelerated the parallel pandemic of mental health of physicians and health care providers

-we understand the cornavirus much better now. It's elusive. COVID & Delta are ravaging our communities - it's not individual rights, it's a public health issue. FDA app'd vax is highly effective. Unvax'ed are putting themselves and everyone else at risk. Decision holds health care workers at risk as more are considering leaving the industry.

-Pandemic has caused economic impact, loss of life. No one else needs to die. The virus is the enemy and we have something to defeat it: a vaccine.


Back to Polis:

-regular testing is a good way to control. we offer free voluntary testing for all schools and students in the state

-we adding an incentive (thanks to federal funds!) for those who agree to get tested every single week. there is a public benefit to this, but also now a $10/week incentive for opt-in & $25 sign-up gift-card.

-participating schools will get reimbursed for administering the COVID testing -- will get funding for a physician to oversee and incentive for tests administered.

-Grateful this is funded by CDC grant.

-We have the testing capability - it's impactful - lets use it!

-Labor Day weekend: delta is here at high levels. Before mass gatherings, celebrate in small groups (1-2 families), no massive block parties as super spreader events. Outside > inside.

-We have ability to get vax to anyone who wants it / get boosters to those. We are happy to support the dr patient relationships to support add'l vax's.

-Labor day isn't quite normal (pandemics don't take holidays), be careful - lets not cause another spike.
I had to leave at 11:45



谢谢! -吴红- 给 吴红 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2021 postreply 23:24:58
