
来源: sweetptt 2020-12-28 23:40:51 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (17488 bytes)

翻译:1999/7/16,小肯尼迪从新泽西出发,同行的是肯尼迪老婆卡罗琳和妻妹劳伦。他们是去参加肯尼迪堂兄弟罗瑞肯尼迪的婚礼。目的地麻省Hyannis 港。飞机是肯尼迪1999/4/28日买的。飞机在晚上失踪。官方结论死于高度误判。


1. 1999/7/16 从新泽西起飞

2. 1999/7/16 跟玛莎葡萄园机场报道过

3. 之后失踪

4. 1999/7/18,海岸警卫队宣布停止搜救

5. 1999/7/19, NOAA(海洋大气管理署)发现失踪飞机。

6. 1999/7/20,蛙人在120英尺深水底发现飞机碎片散布大面积海床

7. 1999/7/21 傍晚,三具尸体打捞上来,搜救停止。三具尸体全部系着安全带,小肯尼迪在驾驶座上。

8. 1999/7/21夜晚,在县法医办公室尸检

9. 1999/7/21夜晚,三具尸体从Hyannis 转移到Duxbury, Massachusetts,在五月花号殡仪馆火化。

10. 1999/7/22早上,海军驱逐舰USS Briscoe 带着三人的骨灰撒到大西洋里。

11. 1999/7/23,追悼会。



1. 为什么是火化,不是棺木

2. 为什么三个人同时火化?难道小姨子生前也青睐火化这种方式?

3. 为什么kennedy和bessette两个家族对时间地点方式都没有异议?所以行动都迅速进行,而且三人同时进行?

4. 为什么傍晚尸体出水,当夜就火化?难道他们的死亡已经预案了?

5. 为什么第二天早上火化后几个小时就立即飘洒骨灰?

6. 为什么等一切做好了再开追悼会?

7. 这个劳伦贝赛特到底怎么回事?怎么什么步骤都同等待遇?处理方法:火化,葬礼方式:撒灰,先处理再开追悼会?即使肯尼迪家族有他们特定的方式,这小姨子凑什么热闹呀?难道她家的人不想纪念她,直接挫骨扬灰,一了百了?




On July 16, 1999, Kennedy departed from Fairfield, New Jersey, at the controls of his Piper Saratoga light aircraft. He was traveling with his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette to attend the wedding of his cousin Rory Kennedy at Hyannis PortMassachusetts after first dropping Lauren off in Martha's Vineyard. He had purchased the plane on April 28, 1999, from Air Bound Aviation.[61] Carolyn and Lauren were passengers sitting in the second row of seats.[62] Kennedy had checked in with the control tower at the Martha's Vineyard Airport, but the plane was reported missing after it failed to arrive on schedule.[63]

Officials were not hopeful about finding survivors after aircraft debris and a black suitcase belonging to Bessette were recovered from the Atlantic Ocean.[64] President Bill Clinton gave his support to the Kennedy family during the search for the three missing passengers.[64]

On July 18, a Coast Guard admiral declared an end to hope that Kennedy, his wife and her sister could be found alive.[65] On July 19, the fragments of Kennedy's plane were found by the NOAA vessel Rude using side-scan sonar. The next day, Navy divers descended into the 62 °F (17 °C) water. The divers found part of the shattered plane strewn over a broad area of seabed 120 feet (37 m) below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.[66] The search ended in the late afternoon of July 21, when the three bodies were recovered from the ocean floor by Navy divers and taken by motorcade to the county medical examiner's office.[67] The discovery was made from high-resolution images of the ocean bottom.[68] Divers found Carolyn and Lauren's bodies near the twisted and broken fuselage while Kennedy's body was still strapped into the pilot's seat.[63] Admiral Richard M. Larrabee of the Coast Guard said that all three bodies were "near and under" the fuselage, still strapped in.[69]

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that pilot error was the probable cause of the crash: "Kennedy's failure to maintain control of the airplane during a descent over water at night, which was a result of spatial disorientation."[70]

On the evening of July 21, the bodies were autopsied at the county medical examiner's office; the findings revealed that the crash victims had died upon impact. At the same time, the Kennedy and Bessette families announced their plans for memorial services.[67] On July 21, the three bodies were taken from Hyannis to Duxbury, Massachusetts, where they were cremated in the Mayflower Cemetery crematorium.[71][72] Ted Kennedy favored a public service for John, while Caroline Kennedy insisted on family privacy.[73] On the morning of July 22, their ashes were scattered at sea from the Navy destroyer USS Briscoe off the coast of Martha's Vineyard.[74]

A memorial service was held for Kennedy on July 23, 1999


、、 -甜齿- 给 甜齿 发送悄悄话 甜齿 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2020 postreply 00:38:19

希望如此,,,, -heka- 给 heka 发送悄悄话 heka 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2020 postreply 02:54:05

喔,完全不知道这些细节 -heka- 给 heka 发送悄悄话 heka 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2020 postreply 01:11:17

薯壮士变成八卦大妈, 悲催呀,,,, -k_lao- 给 k_lao 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2020 postreply 07:54:54

昨晚看FBI解密文件18O页,其中有谈94 -春秋冬- 给 春秋冬 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2020 postreply 07:24:00

其中有看到94年8月小肯尼迪写信给拜登说他是一个叛徒,这个很有点意思 -春秋冬- 给 春秋冬 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2020 postreply 07:25:00

时间上看就不真实,美国火化是要排队的 -biglow- 给 biglow 发送悄悄话 biglow 的博客首页 (41 bytes) () 12/29/2020 postreply 07:36:47



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