加一句:同意楼上的,家庭氛围确实可以从小塑造one's political views

来源: 酱油妹儿 2020-11-20 12:20:57 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1591 bytes)


我注意到华裔家庭很愿意在孩子教育上投入,自己省吃俭用,但是很多投入是window dressing,反而没有太多时间跟孩子进行思想交流和培养孩子对事情的独立看法。很多还避免类似话题。问题是温室成长的苗子如何能抵御外面的狂风暴雨? 这很容易让学校极左教育钻了空子,进行填鸭式洗脑。


Who do you think is the greatest President in history (08任上)? 底下几个选项选一个。其中包括08的名字跟其他过去几个民主党总统。


1. First of all, this should have been an open ended question because there were many great presidents in the US history, not just the ones in the answers.

2. 08 should not be one of the choices because he is the "current" president not in history.

3. Why do they only provide choices from the Democratic Party and you know we also have a Repubican Party right? I personally like President Ronald Reagan and if you don't know who he was and what he did, you should look him up and tell me.

当然小孩不一定懂,至少plant a seed 以后碰到类似作业not to take it granted and 随大流。

Just a thought.



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