Chronic inflammation is an important factor in the development

来源: 墩墩和嘟嘟 2019-04-04 13:56:36 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (83 bytes)
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Chronic inflammation is an important factor in the development of cancer


Several viruses have been associated with human cancer -墩墩和嘟嘟- 给 墩墩和嘟嘟 发送悄悄话 墩墩和嘟嘟 的博客首页 (313 bytes) () 04/04/2019 postreply 13:57:54

A tumor-associated macrophage (TAM) is the key cell that promote -墩墩和嘟嘟- 给 墩墩和嘟嘟 发送悄悄话 墩墩和嘟嘟 的博客首页 (94 bytes) () 04/04/2019 postreply 13:59:45

Three key genetic mechanisms have a role in human carcinogenesis -墩墩和嘟嘟- 给 墩墩和嘟嘟 发送悄悄话 墩墩和嘟嘟 的博客首页 (434 bytes) () 04/04/2019 postreply 14:02:51
