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During the next two days, the Chinese launched several minor assaults on the ROK 20th and 8th Divisions, effecting slight penetrations. By 18 June the situation began to be stabilized and the Eighth Army had an opportunity to survey the damage of the nine-day offensive.

The enemy had driven the ROK forces back an average of 3,000 meters along a 13,000-meter front and in the process had taken over a series of hill positions east of the Pukhan River. As a result of the Chinese drive, three ROK divisions had been redeployed in reinforcing and counterattacking roles. During the action the ROK units had taken a total of over 7,300 casualties while enemy losses were estimated at over 6,600. In close support of the UNC defense, Air Force, Navy, and Marine aircraft had flown 810 sorties in the nine-day period and the strategic air program had been delayed.

在接下来的两天里,中国人对韩国第20和第8师发动了几次轻微攻击,进行了轻微的穿透。 到6月18日,局势开始趋于稳定,第八军有机会调查为期9天的攻势造成的破坏。

敌人在沿着13000米的前方将韩国军队平均推回3000米,并在此过程中占领了Pukhan河以东的一系列山丘位置。 由于中国的推动,三个韩国师已经被重新部署,以加强和反击角色。 在行动中,韩国部队共伤亡人数超过7,300人,而敌人的损失估计超过6,600人。 在UNC国防部的密切支持下,空军,海军和海军陆战队飞机在9天内飞行了810架次,战略空中计划被推迟。


