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Big Ten 声势浩大。


Top 30 Colleges that produced the most Fortune 500 CEOs

1. The University of Wisconsin- Madison
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 14

2. Harvard University
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 12

3. Cornell University
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 10

4. The University of Michigan (UMich)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 8

5. Stanford University
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 7

6 (TIE). The University of Pennsylvania (Penn or UPenn)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 6

6 (TIE). The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 6

6 (TIE). Purdue University
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 6

6 (TIE). Texas A&M University (Texas A&M or A&M)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 6

10 (TIE). The State University of New York (SUNY)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 5

10 (TIE). Lehigh University
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 5

10 (TIE). Michigan State University (MSU)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 5

10 (TIE). Princeton University
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 5

10 (TIE). The University of Texas at Austin
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 5

10 (TIE). Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 5

10 (TIE). The University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 5

10 (TIE). Yale University
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 5

18 (TIE). United States Military Academy (USMA)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

18 (TIE). University of Notre Dame
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

18 (TIE). University of North Carolina
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

18 (TIE). Dartmouth College
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

18 (TIE). Boston College
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

18 (TIE). University of Iowa (UIowa)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

18 (TIE). University of Miami
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

18 (TIE). New York University (NYU)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

18 (TIE). Northwestern University (NU)
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

18 (TIE). University of Utah
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 4

28 (TIE). University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 3

28 (TIE). University of Alabama
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 3

28 (TIE). Union College, Schenectady, New York
Number of Fortune 500 CEOs: 3



从这个角度看, 上MSU或TAM的最合适了 -阳光玉兔- 给 阳光玉兔 发送悄悄话 (241 bytes) () 12/07/2018 postreply 21:48:57

能把学渣培养成优秀人才的就是好学校。 -高山峻岭流水人家- 给 高山峻岭流水人家 发送悄悄话 高山峻岭流水人家 的博客首页 (26 bytes) () 12/07/2018 postreply 21:52:27

这只有160个人其他的340都是哪儿的呢? -lucy2008liu- 给 lucy2008liu 发送悄悄话 lucy2008liu 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2018 postreply 22:00:18

其它的都是三哥吧 LOL -阳光玉兔- 给 阳光玉兔 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2018 postreply 22:04:44

三哥做CEO的还真的不少。 -高山峻岭流水人家- 给 高山峻岭流水人家 发送悄悄话 高山峻岭流水人家 的博客首页 (26 bytes) () 12/07/2018 postreply 22:09:31

关键的是跟哪个大学毕业没关系。大部分都不是什么名校毕业的。 -lucy2008liu- 给 lucy2008liu 发送悄悄话 lucy2008liu 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2018 postreply 22:41:59

每个公立大学系统似乎只算旗舰,例如其他加大(UCLA,UCI,UCD等等)都榜上无名了 -白色非色- 给 白色非色 发送悄悄话 白色非色 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2018 postreply 22:26:06

SUNY算哪家?Binghamton吗?最出众的应是Utah和ISU吧 -白色非色- 给 白色非色 发送悄悄话 白色非色 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2018 postreply 22:22:38

现在当CEO的该是好多年以前毕业的吧?今天哪个学校厉害也得二十年以后说 -60MPH- 给 60MPH 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/08/2018 postreply 05:58:59
