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世有真情, 人有真爱。 相识不 到两个月, Mrs. DC 全力办我留学美国, 并象母亲一样教育关怀我。在我的心中, DC 是我又一 个伟大的母亲。
为了怀念 Mrs. DC, 请朋友们分享几封 DC 写给我的信。 朋友们, 请记得世上曾有过一个伟大女性, 光荣的母亲,Mrs. DC.
October 10, 1987
Dearest XXX,
    I think of you often and I am wondering how you are getting along in HHH city.  I saw several of your professors recently at a reception in CCC city and they all reported that you were an excellent student.
    How are your living accommodations? Do you need a larger place?  Do you have enough money?  Am I beginning to sound like a mother?  (Tears come into my eyes whenever I read this)
    I know you are doing well and working very hard but I would love to hear from you and if there is any things at all including more money or a new place to live.  Please let me know.
   I’m thinking of you often and let’s try to get together in the next month.

November 12, 1987
Dear XXX
    I was delighted to receive your letter of October 29 and to hear that you are doing so well at MU.    
    Congratulations on your grades.  I will be anxious to hear what all your final grades were for mid-term.  I have run into several of your professors at various events and all of them speak glowingly of you.  I think that we made the right decision in choosing MU, don’t you?
    I will be in HHH city next  Wednesday and Thursday and would love to have an opportunity to see you.  I’ll be part of a legislative visiting committee for higher education and they have us on a rather tight schedule.  I would be in President’s dinning room at the Memorial Student Center after 2 p.m. on Thursday November 19.  Or I will be back in HHH city Friday November 20 to make a speech at 1 p.m.  Perhaps we could meet after the speech which would be around 2 p.m.  Let me know which time would be more convenient for you.  You can call my office 346-9400 if you like.  We will also be in HHH city this Saturday for another legislative function and if you have time around noon perhaps we could get together.  Let me know what works in your schedule.
    I’m thinking about Thanksgiving.  Both my sons will be in plus a lot of other relatives.  I would love it if you could come for Thanksgiving dinner.  It will be around mid-day, 12 noon or so, and I think it will be lots of fun.  Hope you can make it.
     See you soon

February 5, 1988
Dear XXX,
    I was delighted to receive your letter.  It was the highest of my day to hear all the wonderful things you are doing.  I am so proud of you for going to Dr. P and changing your schedule to a more demanding one.  I saw Dr. P at a legislative function a few weeks ago and he said you were doing extremely well.  I was very proud of you.
    Dear XXX, choose any day that you can come to CCC city to be a page.  Just give me a couple of weeks notice so that I can be sure and get you on the schedule that day.  Do let me know as soon as possible and I will arrange it.
    We will be planning a meeting in HHH city probably the 22nd of this month for G’s campaign.  I hope that you can be at the function.  I will let you know the time and place.  Please give Dr. C my very best.  He is very interested in politics and I see him at many political functions.
    Are you sure you have enough money? I will stop putting the $250 dollars per month as you requested, but please call if you need more money.  You are very self-sufficient young man, but I worry that you will not have enough money.
    Also, I hope that you will begin thinking about your travel this summer.  I want you to see as much of the country as you can.  Just start thinking about it and we will get together and begin planning. 
(DC gave me $4,000 to travel entire mainland of USA for the entire summer of three months 1988)

January 8, 1988
Dear XXX,
    I hope that your holidays wee not all work.  In fact I hope that had time to share the American holidays with your friends in Washington DC.  I am glad that you received the cake.  It is the traditional cake of the Christmas holiday season.  I am not sure it is to appealing to all nationalities but at least you can say that you had fruit cake now!
    I am so delighted about your scholarship.  You never cease to amaze me in what you are capable to accomplish.  You humble me in my admiration for what you have been able to do at MU.  Do get back to me if you need a little more money this year.  Would $300 a month be helpful?  Anyway a great big congratulations to you for being awarded so outstandingly for your academic accomplishment.
    I would love to have you up to the legislature again.  Which day or days of the week would you be interested working?  As you may know, it is more interesting in February than in January.  Please let me know and I will do whatever I can for you to have broad and interesting experience at the legislature this year.
    Also thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending us the green tea.  Now when you come visit me, I will have something really Chinese to offer you.  I have it tucked away and will use it sparingly but most of all it would give me pleasure to fix you a cup of green tea.  Thanks so much.  Happy New Year.



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