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Self-Concept Paper

Who am I? Physically, I am a healthy, 5'4 girl with dark brown hair and even darker eyes. I am relatively tan, and am often being mistaken for Filipino, rather my actual race, Chinese. When I was younger, I was shy and reserved. I had a set of five or so friends, that I convinced myself was all I needed. As I grew up, I began to engage with others, as I learned that the friends we make when we are young, are often not the ones we keep. Today, I am more extroverted, and I love socializing with new people. As a senior in high school, my top priorities at the moment are to keep up my grades and to work hard to get into the colleges I want to go to. As a daughter of two loving parents, my "jobs" are to follow the rules, study hard, and make the most of my life. In the future, I aspire to become a prosecutor for the U.S. government. In order to do this, I plan on majoring in Criminal Justice in college, as it is a big interest of mine. Additionally, I hope to attend law school after college, despite how frustrating studying for another three years may get. In my free time, I love to exercise and go running at a canal close to my house. I struggle with patience, and I often get stressed out easily. As far as beliefs go, I am a Christian, and am striving to become vegetarian.

I believe that having high self esteem positively influences your self concept. When I was in preschool, I was often bullied by other students around me. It took a toll on my self-esteem, often influencing me to think negatively of myself, which was hard for someone only around four years old. Additionally, my low esteem made me strive to try harder around others, in order to gain their approval. My low self-esteem affected me negatively, influencing me to become more introverted, and less willing to socialize with others, as I had a negative self-concept on myself. As I grew up, I came to realize that not everyone will like you, and I had to respect that. Over the years, my self-esteem increased as I was introduced to friends that had a good influence on me. This encouraged me to carry myself more confidently, participate in class, socialize with others, etc. Self-esteem influences my self-concept because my esteem encourages me to stay strong, and to not be afraid to act like myself.

Significant others have a high influence on my self-concept. To me, significant others are not just boyfriends or girlfriends; they are any person whose opinion I value. Significant others consist of my parents, friends, teachers, etc. What they think of me often greatly influences how I view myself, as well as the person I aspire to be. Even though it is a given fact that as we age, the influence of significant others is less powerful as it was when we were younger, I find myself being more influenced by what my significant others think of me now, than I did when I was in middle or elementary school.

I enjoy getting high appraisal from my parents and teachers. If I develop good relationships with my teachers, I believe that I'm a good student, which helps to develop a positive self-concept of myself. When my parents praise me, it makes me more confident in the activities I do. Additionally, small compliments such as "cute outfit," or "nice hair today," from close friends make me feel more comfortable with myself.

In obvious ways, my culture relates to my self concept through my race and gender. I am full Chinese, therefore my self-concept is seen as an Asian American. While most Asian cultures are seen as collective, I don't believe that I gain my identity by belonging to the Asian race, as I have lived in the U.S for all of my life. I believe that I relate to more American cultures, such as eating at fast food restaurants, or watching football games, in order to define my self concept.

Additionally, I believe that my American culture helps influence my self concept more than my Asian culture through my priorities of individual contributions. In Asian cultures, most people find their self concept through belonging to a community. While that is of great importance to me as well, I believe that it is also just as relevant to contribute to society, as seen in most Western cultures. That is also why I would like to be a lawyer in the future, in order to help the government. By proving a suspect guilty in court, I believe that my efforts will contribute to society, and help maintain a better, safer environment for the citizens in the U.S.

My self concept allows me to carry myself confidently and friendly, which helps me to communicate well with others. Over the course of high school, I have learned to remain sociable and to speak calmly and fluently when conducting presentations in class, speaking with teachers, working with other students, etc. By doing so, this allowed me to communicate well with others, benefitting me greatly when working in group assignments, or just asking for help. I also felt more confident afterwards talking with others, knowing that I did not stammer or appear nervous.

When I went in for a job interview at a local restaurant, I also used the same strategies I had developed in high school to speak with the manager. I remembered to appear self-assured, and to always smile after speaking. This influenced my manager to develop approval for me, thus giving me the job as a waitress. As a waitress, I applied these same skills when talking to customers, in order to make them feel more comfortable with me as their surver.

My self concept determines a lot in my future communication and behavior. I often use my expectations from my self-fulfilling prophecies to influence my behavior. When applying to college, I would often become quite stressed and worried that I would not get into the schools I wanted to be admitted into. Applications were lengthy and difficult, and I often wanted to give up and stop trying. However, I remembered to keep a positive mindset, as my hard work would benefit me in the end. My determination encouraged me to keep going and to strive for success. I have currently submitted six applications, and was accepted into one of my top schools, PSU.

In terms of communication, I believe that my self concept will greatly influence me in the future. I will need to maintain a high perception of myself in order to conduct myself in a confident manner when it comes to job interviews, or arguing against a suspect in court. And while I know that self-fulfilling prophecies are important in communication, I am aware that is does not explain all my behaviors. My expectations can help influence how things will turn out in the future, but they can not predict everything, such as if I will get a certain job or not.

I interviewed a close friend of mine, Linda Smith, who I have been close with since elementary school. In my interview, I asked questions on her perspective of my early life experiences, and how the influence of others played in my self-concept. Some questions that came up were, "How do you think I perceived myself as a child versus now?" or "Who do you think had a major influence on me when I was younger?" Her answers remained consistent with mine as she agreed that I was less confident in myself as a child, and to this day, seek a lot of approval from my significant others. Additionally, she believed that my teachers and parents did possess a lot of influence on me, as I had been working hard as a daughter and student since childhood. An authoritative book I used was my Intro to Comm I 08 textbook, "Essential Communication," by Ronald B. Adler, George Rodman, and Athena du Pre. In the textbook, I explored chapter two which discussed objectives based on self concept, and factors that influence it. This portion of the textbook helped me to find reasons why certain aspects had such effect on my self concept, such as the influence of authoritative figures. Additionally, it helped me recognize key characteristics that I use to identify myself with.



essay的范文 -又当爹来又当妈- 给 又当爹来又当妈 发送悄悄话 又当爹来又当妈 的博客首页 (214 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 07:11:09

true, thanks. -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 noworry 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 07:20:19

友情提醒,武林外传里吕秀才就是通过这个问题当的关东大侠。 -weatherhead- 给 weatherhead 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 07:33:04

thanks have a nice weekend. -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 noworry 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 07:41:28

瓦特?他们说无主席您是外娶?原来不是。 -soccerlover- 给 soccerlover 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 07:45:06

无忧和太太都是典型大中国大陆的来人。谢谢。 -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 noworry 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 07:53:21

Thanks for sharing, noworry -牛比特- 给 牛比特 发送悄悄话 牛比特 的博客首页 (237 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 07:56:14

agreed thanks for your advice. -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 noworry 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 08:14:46

非常谢谢版主,把无忧的帖子模式,调整了一些,这样好看多了。 不好意思,无忧已经习惯了这个坏习惯,丢三落四,不拘小节。 无忧的两个 -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 noworry 的博客首页 (482 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 08:24:37

无忧的小女儿写得不错,比无忧强多了。不过还是被无忧带沟里了。强调定罪这个方向感觉不好。 -forestforever- 给 forestforever 发送悄悄话 forestforever 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 09:15:01

thank you very much. -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 noworry 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/19/2018 postreply 09:21:25



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