If you want to know your financial aid package at the same time

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回答: ED 歌大资助问题锄豆正织无赖爹2017-11-10 20:38:24

the admission decision is received, then you should send in your FA application according to their ED FA deadline, so you can decide if the FA is enough.  If not enough, you can back out of ED commitment.  If you send in FA application past ED deadline, your FA package will come later than the admission decision, and you won't know if attending is really affordable and you still have to commit.


明白了,感谢! -锄豆正织无赖爹- 给 锄豆正织无赖爹 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/10/2017 postreply 21:16:42
